Channel: The Biblical False Prophet Has Arrived » Mundabor

Actuosa Participatio


Originally posted on Mundabor's Blog:

I suspect this could not be used as header for the Bishop's blog.

I suspect this could not be used as header for the Bishop’s blog.

Dear Bishop, Deacon Nick Donnelly, of the blog “Protect the Pope”, provided many of the faithful with a sound insight into church affairs, especially into the disgraceful activities of the ACTA organisation.
Could you please tell me, therefore, why you have asked him to observe a period of prayer and reflection?
Assuring you of my prayers. Richard Collins.

This message was left by Mr Richard Collins of “Linen on the Hedgerow” on Bishop Campbell’s very own blog. 

It is good to know Bishops have blogs. It allows the shepherds to “get out” in the world, and “get in touch” with the sheep. To “reach out” to the “outskirts”. More “dialogue”, and “inclusion”. So very Francis.

Alas, it would appear Mr Collins’ message was culled.

Now: the Bishop’s blog is his own living room, and I do…

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Filed under: Analysis Tagged: Bishop, Bishop Campbell, Mundabor, Rev. Nick Donnelly, Silenced

The Rhine Flows Into The… Thames


Originally posted on Mundabor's Blog:


More Lio coming.

Rather predictably, I would say; then whilst there is no Kirchensteuer here our bishops, priests and faithful aren’t, on average, so much better than in Germany.

This is what the Tablet has to report:

Two bishops of England and Wales have broken ranks with their confreres with one calling for developments in church teaching on human sexuality and the other criticising the collective decision not to publish the findings of a Vatican survey.

The Bishop of Middlesbrough, Terence Drainey, called for a “radical re-examination of human sexuality” that could lead to a development in church teaching in areas such as contraception, homosexuality, divorce and remarriage and cohabitation and the role of women in the Church.

Bishop Tom Burns of Menevia says that in the interests of transparency the bishops should publish the findings of a Vatican survey which asked questions on cohabitation, contraception and same-sex marriage. In…

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Filed under: Analysis Tagged: Bishop Terence Drainey, Bishop Tom Burns, Mundabor

Romano Amerio On The Rights And Obligations Of The Faithful


Originally posted on Mundabor's Blog:

Full of grace.  No, really.  It means full of grace.

“Full of grace”.
No, really.
It means “full of grace”.

“The faithful have a right to compare the teaching of an individual minister with that of other ministers and ultimately with that of the supreme teaching office. This right comes from their sharing in the teaching office of Christ conferred by baptism, and carries with it an obligation to reject false teaching in the internal forum, that is, in their own mind, and, if circumstances require, to attack it publicly as well”. 

Romano Amerio, Iota Unum, Par. 320, Page 716. Emphases mine.

These are the, as always, simple but straight words of the great Romano Amerio.

He wasn’t, very probably, a Great Saint; and if he was, Pope Francis has not yet proceeded to his canonisation, so we have no way to know. But he had a profound knowledge of Catholicism, and a keen desire to help souls to achieve…

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Filed under: Analysis Tagged: Criticism, Mundabor

Scalfari Interview: Knowing What We Know Now…


Originally posted on Mundabor's Blog:


And it came to pass Bishop Gaenswein allowed the world to know the Pontiff Emeritus had written a sort of commentary of the draft of the Papal interview with Civilta’ Cattolica, the 12,000 word exercise due to the fact that Bishop Francis does not like giving interviews.  

This interview was scandalous enough. But it could be that without Benedict’s notes (which might have led to adjustments in the end) it could have been even worse.

Soon thereafter, Francis writes a long letter to Scalfari, even more scandalous than the interview to Civilta’ Cattolica, and inter alia lets the first bomb about “conscience” and “salvation for atheists” explode. Shortly after the letter, he doubles with the notorious interview, which was more a carpet bombing in Dresden style. 

Knowing what we know now, we can safely conclude as follows: 

1) Benedict must have received a draft of the interview already checked by…

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Filed under: Analysis Tagged: Eugenio Scalfari, Interview, Mundabor

Communion For Adulterers: Kasper Isolated Among Cardinals.


Originally posted on Mundabor's Blog:

Now it's official: Cardinals don't like puppet shows; at least those with Kasperle, hier depicted.

Now it’s official: Cardinals don’t like puppet shows; at least those with Kasperle, hier depicted.

I had been alerted to the Italian version, but the excellent Rorate Caeli already has the English translation, so I will refer to it directly.

If you follow the link, you will notice that among the Cardinals there is a clear refusal of the Modernist measures, and of the obvious contempt of Christ, showed by Cardinal Kasper.

Among the Cardinals who have expressed themselves clearly – or brutally – against the measures proposed by Kasper, Giorgio Tosatti mentions not only those already gone public with their disagreement (to my knowledge Mueller, Caffarra and Burke), but also Brandmueller, Bagnasco, Sarah, Re, Piacenza, Tauran and Ruini. If we are to believe to cardinal Ruini, it’s 85% against, an dmany of the others “embarrassed”.

Note that some of the interventions are so explicit one struggles to…

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Filed under: Analysis Tagged: Cardinal Kasper, Divorce, Mundabor, Remarriage

The War Against Good Catholics


Originally posted on Mundabor's Blog:


As this Pontificate enters its second year a trait of Francis’ disquieting personality appears more and more evident: his dislike for good Catholics.

As it seems, there is almost no week in which Francis misses the occasion to put devout Catholics in a bad light. He seems, in fact, utterly unable to believe in the fundamental goodness of people behaving fundamentally well, and striving to do better.

Whether he compares them more or less ironically to “holy cards”, or criticises their “securities”, or lambasts their “hypocrisy”, or mocks their counting their rosaries – rosaries they have prayed for him; quite the gentleman, this one – or calls them all sort of names, or implies (this is just the last one) you have better cards by God if you are some kind of “outcast” (meaning: sodomite, trannie, drunkard, junkie: whatever is not all right in the eyes of real good Catholics)…

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Filed under: Analysis Tagged: Faith, Mundabor

The Layer Church

Of Soup, Pie And Fettuccine.


Remnant Clergy:

This Remnant Clergy will be happy to provide a nihil obstat for Traditional Catholic Priest , Father Rodriguez, or Gloria TV. It won’t be long until all real Catholic faith practices will be in the virtual catacombs.

Originally posted on Mundabor's Blog:

The bully's favourite soup.

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Filed under: Analysis Tagged: Mundabor

We Cry For You, Argentina!


Originally posted on Mundabor's Blog:


The dykes’ request to paint the baptismal font in the colours of the rainbow had met some resistance…

In the land of boorish populism, Pinocchio masses and Tango masses,  (you will see a familiar face in both I am afraid) it was only a matter of time before this here happened: two lesbians having their own child baptised and being confirmed themselves.

Now, I have already written about the fact that a priest is supposed to baptise if, and only if, he thinks that the child has a reasonable, well-grounded hope to be raised in the Catholic faith. Say, two Jews are thinking of conversion, but they want their offspring to be baptised and raised as Catholics in the meantime. I never got a problem with the fact that Felix Mendelssohn and his siblings were all baptised before their parents converted to Christianity. In that case, it made sense…

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Filed under: Analysis Tagged: Mundabor, Pastoral

Cowardice, Not Anticlericalism, Engenders Persecution.

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